Spring Clean Your Life

While I thought I was in the clear this year, these last few weeks I’ve come down with a little case of the winter blues. Anyone else feeling the same way? Luckily, spring is just around the corner and I can’t wait. Chirping birds, blooming flowers, warmer temperatures. What’s not to love?
One of my favorite rituals at this time of year is to do a little cleaning. While I love an organized sock drawer, I take spring cleaning to a whole new level. I take the opportunity to look within. I observe what’s been surrounding me. And, I do my best to be honest about what needs to change.
If you’re looking for a little life cleanse as well, I’d recommend starting with these four areas:
Manage Your Stress

Whether it stems from work, an unhealthy relationship, or just a terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day, we’ve all experienced stress. Along with the immediate affects that we feel, prolonged stress can also start to wreak havoc on our entire system. I’m talking hormones, your energy levels, gut health and all.
So, if you want to truly cleanse your body, start first by looking at the big picture. Is your employer overexerting you? Are there toxic friendships that you’re holding on to? Do you have tools available to you when you need to chill out? First be aware, and then start to set boundaries, for yourself and your body. The final component is learning how to manage stress when it does creep back into your life. Try breathing exercises, lace up those running shoes, or give yoga a whirl.
Cleanse Your Environment

It’s one thing to clean the closet; it’s another to take on your entire environment! Like it or not, in the modern world, toxins surround us. The air we breathe, the cars we drive, and the cleaning supplies that we use, all have chemicals in them. While some of this is out of our immediate control, take notice of what you can change.
Start under the sink. All of those cleaning supplies for every surface and every purpose … get rid of them. You would be amazed what you can you do with white vinegar, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol. From there, get yourself some plants! Not only are they beautiful they will also help improve your air quality. Aloe, Chinese evergreen, and weeping fig are good species to start with.
Do A Lifestyle Assessment

Sometimes doing an honest assessment of our lifestyle and our habits is that hardest part of any cleanse. After all, they are our coping mechanisms. On a day when you’re feeling strong reflect on the things in your life that are benefiting you, and be honest about those that are not.
For instance that one glass of wine you have on Wednesday may be super calming. The other four you have on Friday may present an opportunity. I’m just saying. First be aware, and then take note of those areas where you could improve. The next step is to take action. This does not mean you have to morph into a perfect human being overnight. Make realistic goals, try them on for size, and just see what happens!
Transform Your Eating Habits

It’s no secret. What we put into our bodies does make a difference. The foods that we eat dictate oh-so-much including our energy levels, our ability to concentrate, and how we feel about ourselves. A good rule of thumb at the grocery store is to purchase more around the perimeter than you do within the aisles. Yes, this means more fruits and vegetables!
If you need help getting your diet on track, visit us at Amy Brenner & Associates. Our Healthy Lifestyle Program and Detoxification Packages are designed specifically for your needs. In as little as ten days we typically see symptoms improve by 70-90%. Basically, you’ll feel like a whole new human. As a little teaser, here is one of my favorite recipes from our program:
Red Cabbage & Apple Salad

  • Small head of red cabbage {coarsely chopped}
  • 10 radishes {sliced}
  • 3 tart green apples {unpeeled, washed, and diced}
  • 2 green onions {chopped}
  • 1 stalk of celery {chopped}
  • ½ cup of walnuts {chopped}
  • 1-2 tsp. lemon juice
  • Dash of garlic powder
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic or apple cider vinegar

 Mix everything in a large bowl. Let the salad sit for at least one hour, stirring once or twice.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy transition into the new season. If you need more tips on how to spring clean your life, don’t hesitate to give me a call. There’s nothing I love more than chatting with someone who is willing and ready to make change and I’m here to support you however I can!