Clinical Research Participation

Clinical Research Participation

Research Opportunities in Cincinnati


At Amy Brenner, MD & Associates, we believe in sharing knowledge, expertise and furthering the medical field to benefit patients. That is why we choose to participate in research studies and offer research opportunities in Cincinnati that help to bring new devices and medications to the market that can improve health and quality of life for our patients.

We have participated in several research opportunities in recent years that focus on permanent birth control, heavy and painful periods, and treatment of fibroids and other conditions.

A few of the studies that we are proud to be part of:


2014 (Hologic) Evaluation of the safety of Novasure in the presence of Essure Following the Essure Confirmation Test (ECT)

Status: Complete
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2015 (Bayer) Evaluation of the effectiveness of Essure Post-Novasure RF Endometrial Ablation Procedure following the Essure Confirmation Test (ECT)

Status: Complete

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CLARITY- Channel Medsystems

To protect your privacy, remote images are blocked in this message. Display images2016 (Channel Medsystems) CLARITY: Pivotal Study: A Clinical study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Cerene device to treat heavy menstrual bleeding

Status: Complete

POET- Bayer

2017 (Bayer) POET: An open lab, non -randomized, prospective observational cohort study to assess Post-procedural Outcomes in two cohorts of women who chose to undergo either hysteroscopic sterilization (Essure) or laparoscopic

Tubal sterilization
Status: Long-Term Follow-Up

BLOC- Femasys

2018 (Femasys) FEMBLOC: Prospective multi-center office based Bi-Lateral tubal occlusion trial for female permanent contraception (BLOC) device

Status: Completed

EASE Microcube

2020 EASE Microcube: Clinical Trial to evaluate an investigational endometrial ablation device called the Minitouch for heavy menstrual bleeding. Dr. Amy Brenner is the National Co-Principle Investigator.

Status: Enrollment closed; in follow-up phase