How Can I Improve My Breast Health? | Women’s Health in Cincinnati

woman learning on tablet about how to improve breast health

October marks the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month, so now is the perfect time to learn more about breast health. 

Many of our patients ask us: “How can I improve my breast health?” Our women’s health providers at Amy Brenner, MD & Associates have several tips for you below.

Regular breast exams

Consistent, regular exams are so important for checking in on your breast health and detecting irregularities. Many people don’t realize there are two types of breast exams you should have regularly: self exams and a professional exam with a provider.

Genetic testing

One of the ways you can help monitor your risk of breast cancer is through genetic testing. If you’re in the Cincinnati area, you may be interested in Myriad MyRisk genetic testing, a blood test determining whether you have genes associated with cancer. Many of our patients choose to undergo this test because it assesses a patient’s risk for not only breast cancer, but ovarian, pancreatic, and colon cancer. 

Healthy estrogen metabolism

Estrogen is essential for many reasons, but healthy estrogen pathways are important to help protect your body from conditions like dementia or osteoporosis. 

Unhealthy estrogen pathways promote breast cancer. To promote healthy estrogen metabolism pathways we may recommend the following:

  1. Eat one serving of cruciferous vegetables daily. Broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, brussel sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, kale, and radish are all great cruciferous vegetable options.
  2. After discussing with your Taking EstroDim supplement to promote proper estrogen metabolism. 


Supplements can be a fantastic way to supplement a shortage of healthy ingredients in your system. For breast health, we recommend Selenium, Iodine, and B supplements, as they have been shown to support healthy breast tissue and are difficult to obtain through a diet alone.

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Vitamin D optimization

Sufficient vitamin D levels are integral to health in many ways and have been shown to possibly protect against many health conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast cancer.

Related: Vitamins for Breast Health

You can get vitamin D from several sources, like sun exposure, supplements, and vitamin D-rich foods.

Foods to promote breast health

Speaking of foods, there are several tips to keep in mind when understanding how to keep breasts healthy. Go for organic and hormone-free animal products and produce to reduce your exposure to unwanted pesticides and hormones. 

Up Next: How To Keep Breasts Healthy: A Guide to Breast Health

Avoid excess sugar so you can keep your blood sugar and insulin levels at a healthy level so you don’t increase your estrogen levels.

Promote gut health by eating probiotic-rich foods to help your microbiome. A healthy microbiome helps strengthen your immune system and aids in digestion and estrogen detoxification. And finally, avoid excess alcohol consumption and limit it to 1 drink per day, 5 total per week.

Other Helpful Factors | How Can I Improve My Breast Health?

Make regular exercise a priority

You can never go wrong with regular exercise when it comes to your health. There are so many ways to be active; exercise doesn’t have to be a boring run on the treadmill (unless you find this fun 😉)! We recommend finding an activity you enjoy while getting some exercise for your physical and mental health. 

Get adequate sleep

Your body needs sleep in order to function at its best. According to the CDC, Adults between 18 to 60 years of age need 7 or more hours of sleep a night to be well-rested.  

Maintain a healthy weight

Like many health issues, breast cancer may be related to an unhealthy weight. Doing your best to maintain a weight that is healthy for you is just another step to supporting breast health and lowering your risk of breast cancer. 

Avoid toxin exposure

Certain chemicals are “endocrine disruptors” that can disrupt normal breast development, induce early puberty and increase breast cancer risk. These can be in everyday products, and the most common chemicals are BPA, phthalates, Triclosan, and parabens found in:

  • Personal care products
  • Food packaging
  • Cleaning products

For more information and tips on products to avoid, visit Breast Cancer Prevention Partners.

Visit Amy Brenner, MD & Associates to learn more about how to improve your breast health.

For breast cancer awareness month, put your health first. Our health experts provide accurate genetic testing for people of all ages. With our vast array of wellness programs, we can not only help reduce your risk of breast cancer, but also boost confidence by helping you reach your cosmetic goals. 

At Amy Brenner, MD & Associates, we offer a warm, friendly environment while providing the highest quality surgical procedures and aesthetic treatments to help you look great and feel great. No matter what, we will stick with you throughout your entire journey because your goals are our goals. 

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Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products/treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products/treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, including breast cancer.