Chuck G

I am an older (60+) male that is in a relationship w/a mature woman.  It didn’t take long into the relationship that I discovered I had ED.
After searching the internet, I came to Dr. Brenner’s practice because her website and videos reassured me that I could restore my performance and at a clinic that would respect and me and my condition.
I have not been disappointed.  The staff has been extraordinarily respectful, kind, and caring.  I came to my first Wave treatment with a lot of apprehension and felt very awkward, but the professionals in the room quickly made me feel comfortable, showing tremendous empathy for my condition.  I cannot give them high enough praise.
As for results: it has been as they predicted.  No, I am not able to perform “on command” like I could in my 20’s and 30’s, but when me and my partner are in those special romantic moods and the occasion and place is right, the results have been all I could have dreamed.  I came to Dr. Brenner to be able to share my love for my partner in the most intimate & special way possible, and now I can.  Thank you – especially to Kimberly.