P-Shot® Natural Male Enhancement.

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P-Shot® in Cincinnati, Ohio

Improve your Sexual Health & Vitality.

The Priapus Shot® in Cincinnati OH, also known as the P-Shot®, is a treatment designed to improve erectile dysfunction, penis size and overall sexual wellness and performance. The P-Shot® can also be used to help with Peyronie’s disease.

The P-Shot in Cincinnati is unique because it uses the body’s natural resources to rejuvenate the penis.

Overcome Erectile Dysfunction.

Issues with getting an erection, keeping an erection and maintaining sexual desire can be a result of many factors. Some of the causes are physical – obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure – and psychological – stress, anxiety or depression.

The P-Shot® is a specific way of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis. It is a breakthrough, clinically-proven, safe and effective procedure to help you increase penis size, sexual performance and overall sexual wellness, without the use of any drugs or surgery.



What it Treats

Increased size of penis
Strengthened penis
Straightened penis
Increased circulation within the penis for a healthier organ
Increased sensation and pleasure
Peyronie’s disease

Procedure Time

35 – 45 minutes

Recovery Time

Minimal to none

Side Effects

Minimal to none

Process & Results


Step 1.

Numb the Area

We apply a numbing lidocaine cream to the penis.

Step 2.

Prepare The PRP

A small amount of blood is drawn from the arm. Using a centrifuge, one of our doctors isolates platelets from that blood (platelet rich plasma, or PRP), all within about 15 minutes in the office.

Step 3.

Activate the PRP

The platelets are then “activated” to release at least eight growth factors that would normally be used to rejuvenate tissue.

Step 4.

Inject the PRP

The liquid is transferred into a syringe and injected into the penis (with a tiny needle) using a method that distributes the growth factors in the proper way.

Step 5.

Penis Pump

A penis pump is used for 15 minutes. We recommend the usage of a specific penis pump immediately after the injection and to continue with a specific schedule for approximately 6 weeks after the procedure.

Step 6.


About 60% of men improve after the first P-Shot® and approximately 85% are thrilled after their second P-Shot® in Cincinnati OH. It typically takes about 12 weeks to see the full effect, and some men may require a series of two or three P-Shots®, spaced 8 to 12 weeks in between, to reach their desired potential.

How does P-Shot® work?

The P-Shot® in Cincinnati OH uses PRP to improve erectile dysfunction and sexual performance. What is PRP? Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP, is created from a small sample of the patient’s blood that is spun in a centrifuge and divided into its separate components. Activation of the PRP results in release of at least 8 different growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue. These growth facts work like magic go increase collagen and elastin, promote the formation of new blood vessels and nerve endings.

The Priapus Shot® in Cincinnati OH rejuvenates male enhancement by promoting increased blood flow to the penis, which ultimately strengthens the erection and enhances appearance.

Things that may cause the P-Shot® to be less effective include:

  • Smoking
  • Lack of exercise
  • Vascular disease
  • Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure
  • History of heart attack, coronary artery disease
  • Not using the penis pump, as prescribed, for at least six weeks

To elevate the effects of P-Shot, we can combine therapy with Himtensity. With every P-Shot we offer a complimentary treatment of Himtensity.

man hugging a woman

Treatments that pair well with P-Shot

Paired Treatments


Pairing treatments can get you dramatic results

Combining treatments can be the answer to getting the most out of your sexual wellness treatments. When you pair P-Shot with treatments, you can get results that last longer or occur more quickly than stand alone treatments. When you come in for your consultation, your provider can speak to you about optimizing your treatments.


The P-Shot® for Men

Erectile Dysfunction Interview Men's Health Experts

HealthiHer Podcast

#42 What is a P-Shot?

Dr. Amy Brenner explains what the P-Shot is & how the treatment is performed.  Continued…

Listen Here 



"The P-Shot restored my ability to have and maintain firm erections, delay orgasm as desired, experience more intense orgasms, and recover quickly. I have the experience of a 50 year old who's able to perform like I was 20 again... I would recommend Dr. Brenner for any of your sexual health needs."


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