woman with youthful skin after a BBL photofacial in Cincinnati

Forever Young BBL

Am I a Candidate?

BBL Laser in Cincinnati, Ohio

Revitalize Your Skin

The BBL treatment is a collagen stimulating skin treatment that helps with hyperpigmentation, acne and vascularity. With our advanced system that includes BBL Hero technology, we can go beyond the face or neck & treat anywhere on the body within minutes versus traditional IPL (Intense Pulse Light Systems). We have the BBL Hero in Cincinnati, Ohio to offer you a procedure that has minimal downtime while giving you tighter skin with a more even skin tone.

Stay Forever Young

Reprogram the age of your skin

Skin is in a state of constant turnover, with new cells being created in the deepest layers. This process includes gene expression, which is how a cell receives its genetic code. It’s also a critical part of how skin ages. As more genes associated with aging are activated over time, the structure and appearance of skin changes. And there’s no way to change it back….until now.

Introducing Forever Young BBL with Hero technology – a revolutionary treatment that sends light energy deep into skin to boost the body’s natural ability to fight aging and the treatment takes just minutes to complete. Skin doesn’t just look younger—it’s genetically programmed to be younger!

woman receiving a photofacial in Cincinnati

The Procedure


What it Treats

  • Active Acne
    Age Spots
    Sun Damage
    Fine Lines
    Redness & Rosacea
    Small Facial Vessels
    Enlarged Pores

Procedure Time

Forever Young BBL – 20-45 minutes
BBL Hero – Varies 15-45 minutes depending upon treatment area

Recovery Time & Side Effects

There are rarely any side effects or downtime with Forever Young BBL. Most patients can even put on makeup immediately afterwards. On rare occasions, there can be minor swelling.


Forever Young BBL at Amy Brenner, MD & Associates delivers excellent results to the vast majority of people. It decreases sun damage, diminishes redness, increases light reflectivity, and pores and fine lines decrease as well. It is easily the most effective, no-downtime treatment ever developed in aesthetics.


Initially, 3-5 treatments at 2-to-4-week intervals will produce the best results. 2-4 treatments as maintenance is an excellent way to slow down the aging process.


After a series of traditional BBL treatments, most of our clients see improvement in nearly every aspect of their skin. BBL Laser is also one of the most effective ways to slow down the aging process. Having 2-3 treatments per year as maintenance is a fantastic anti-aging program.


Your DNA is a unique blueprint that only you have. Certain genes can express themselves (turn on or off) based on factors like aging and other environmental components. As we age, the genes within our skin cells are programmed to express themselves differently than they did when we were younger. Forever Young BBL reaches deep into the cell and activates certain genes associated with youth, while turning off other genes tied to aging.

As a result, you create more of the kinds of proteins and other building blocks you had when you were younger. New skin cells are actually programmed to be younger, giving you beautiful, youthful skin.

It may sound impossible, but that’s what reprogramming your skin’s age with regular Forever Young BBL treatments can do. It was proven in a 10-year clinical study—one of the longest studies ever to show the results of a skin care regimen.

Skin consultation with Dr. Brenner

Process & Results

Forever Young BBL

Step 1.

The Consultation

In your initial consultation for a BBL Treatment in Cincinnati, your provider will take high-resolution photos of your face to help determine the best treatment plant. At this time they’ll go over what to expect, side effects and expected results.

Step 2.

Cleanse the Skin

Before the treatment, the treated area will be cleaned and a clear gel is applied. Our provider assesses and cleanses the area to be treated and marks any areas to be avoided (such as a mole, permanent make up, tattoo, etc.).

Step 3.

Further Safety Preparation

A headband is placed on the patient to provide a clearer working surface and protective eyewear will be provided to be worn during the entire treatment.

Step 4.

Deliver the Light

Light is delivered to the skin’s surface in precise pulses across the treatment area. The light will appear bright even with the protective eyewear. Your procedure may take a few minutes to an hour depending on the size of area being treated.

Step 5.

Apply Gel

After treatment is complete the gel is cleaned and a hydrating cream and sun-block is applied.

Step 6

Post Treatment

The treatment area may appear red or flushed, something that usually fades within a few hours. Individuals with prominent pigmentation may notice that brown areas become temporarily darker for 10-14 days. For ForeverYoung BBL, there is virtually no post care needed, but we do recommend a high quality sunscreen.


How to Look Younger

Maintaining Your Results

HealthiHer Podcast

#26 Staying Young Forever, About BBL

Learn about the revolutionary BBL treatment from the experts. Continued…

Listen Here 

#49 What is BBL? Overview

Listen to a brief overview of the BBL treatment from Dr. Brenner. Continued…

Listen Here 

Before and After

up close of left shoulder showing pigmentation on a fitz 1 skin type


up close of left shoulder showing pigmentation clearing on a fitz 1 skin type after treatment of bbl


up close of right shoulder showing pigmentation on a fitz 1 skin type before treatment of bbl


up close of right shoulder showing pigmentation clearing on a fitz 1 skin type after treatment of bbl








Before Forever Young BBL treatment at a med spa in Cincinnati


After forever young BBl in Cincinnati
















Treatments that pair well with BBL

Paired Treatments

Pairing treatments can get you dramatic results

When you combine treatments you can get better & quicker results versus a stand alone treatment. BBL in Cincinnati paired with another in office procedure can enhance your healing and gain you better results. Your skincare specialist can individualize a treatment plan for you during your complimentary consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is gene expression?

How does Forever Young BBL reprogram the age of my skin?

Can you prove Forever Young BBL really makes skin younger?

How many treatments will I need?

What areas can be treated?

What will happen during the procedure?

How long will it take to recover?

What should I expect after the treatment?

What aftercare plan do I need?

Schedule a Consultation

It's simple— identify the problem areas of your body and we will recommend the right treatment plan for you.

Schedule In-Person Consultation Virtual Consultation