What do I do if I get a package? How do I safely eat carry out or delivery food? How can I properly clean the house? What about the Grocery store?
By now we have all been inundated with Coronavirus facts, statistics and recommendations. We offer a summary of these facts and recommendations below. While the spread of the virus and our efforts to contain the spread have changed the way we live, work and interact with others, let’s choose to feel empowered and be productive while we “Stay At Home”.
STOP THE SPREAD. We know that the coronavirus is spreading from person-to-person in close contact through respiratory droplets produced by a cough or sneeze. These droplets find their way to our mouth or nose causing the infection, hence the recommendation to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, the best way to stop the spread is to thoroughly and frequently wash hands, practice social distancing, and avoid unnecessary exposures and travel.
DISINFECT REGULARLY. While the CDC acknowledges that touching contaminated surfaces or objects is not the primary source of viral spreading, they encourage our vigilance in disinfecting our surroundings. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the novel coronavirus can survive up to three hours in the air, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. The good news is that using common EPA-registered household disinfectants are sufficient to kill the virus. While we comply with the “Stay At Home” order, we plan to disinfect thoroughly and regularly and encourage you to do the same. We’re talking next level spring cleaning!
GROCERY STORE TIPS. Other things to consider are how to handle items purchased at the grocery store or delivered to your home. Perishable items should be placed directly into the refrigerator avoiding tables and countertops. Transfer your items with your hands only and avoid cradling items in your arms or against your chest. Remove outer packages and place them directly into the trash. After proper disposal and storage of items, wash your hands thoroughly.
WAIT TO OPEN PACKAGES. As far as non-perishable items, consider leaving the packages in a safe/secure location (front porch, back patio, garage, etc) for 24-72 hours before handling. After the appropriate time has elapsed, remove the outer packaging and throw it away. Disinfect the inside product and wash your hands.
CARRY OUT OR DELIVERY FOOD. When ordering food delivery or carry-out meals, avoid direct contact with the delivery person or restaurant employee. Once you have your meal at home, empty the contents into your own bowls and plates and dispose of all carry out containers and packaging. Thoroughly wash hands before eating.
When we follow these recommendations we have a better chance of maintaining our health and the health of our families. Be cautious and thoughtful of your surroundings. And to add another layer of compassion, continue to support your community by shopping at locally owned groceries and ordering delivery/carry-out from your favorite locally owned restaurants.