3 Types of Labial Reduction in Cincinnati

woman at home wearing black underwear set

A source of discomfort for some women is their vulva, particularly the labia majora or minora, which are the outer and inner lips of the vulva, respectively. This tissue can sag, droop, or may appear asymmetrical or excessive—causing bulging in clothing or discomfort. 

At Amy Brenner MD, & Associates, Dr. Brenner is uniquely qualified to deliver exceptional cosmetic gynecology care for her patients. With prowess in both plastic surgery and gynecology, it’s important to our practice to educate options for treatment for conditions like labial reduction. Learn about the top 3 treatment options for labial reduction below.

3 Types of Labial Reduction in Cincinnati

Labiaplasty Majora

Labiaplasty majora is an elective cosmetic procedure that can reshape the outer vaginal lips known as the labia majora. For some people’s unique anatomy, the labia majora may be elongated, sagging, or asymmetrical. This can be uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

During a labiaplasty majora procedure, Dr. Brenner removes excess skin on the labia majora to reduce, reshape, and rejuvenate the area for an improved appearance.

What it treats

  • Bulges in clothing
  • Uncomfortable sex

Procedure time

1 hour


  • 3-4 days on bed rest
  • Pain medications
  • 6-8 week full recovery

Related: How To Find the Best Labiaplasty Surgeon Near You

Labiaplasty Minora

Labiaplasty minora is also an elective cosmetic procedure, and this focuses on the inner vaginal lips, also known as the labia minora. Excess of this tissue can cause discomfort, namely during intercourse, and just recurring irritation day-to-day. A labiaplasty minora can relieve discomfort and improve the aesthetic appearance of the vulva by removing excess tissue.

What it treats

  • Discomfort during intercourse
  • Discomfort during exercise
  • A bulge in tight clothing
  • Rubbing & irritation

Procedure time

1-2 hours


  • 3-4 days on bed rest
  • Pain medications
  • 6-8 week full recovery

Up Next: Labiaplasty Recovery Time

AVIVA Femtite

AVIVA is a non-surgical vaginal treatment that shrinks and reduces vulvar tissue. This advanced device uses radiofrequency technology to heat the vulvar and labial tissue, reducing the size and/or laxity without surgery. 

What it treats

  • Laxity of labia majora
  • Mildly enlarged labia minora
  • Excess / loose skin of clitoral hood area
  • Gaping vagina/introitus
  • Laxity of mons pubis

Procedure time

1 hour

Recovery time

  • Avoid tampons and sexual intercourse for 2 weeks
  • OTC Tylenol (no narcotics needed)
  • Avoid NSAIDS (Motrin, etc) for 3 days

Learn more about labial reduction in Cincinnati at Amy Brenner, MD & Associates.

You don’t have to live with something that causes you discomfort. Offering some of the best labial reduction services to the Cincinnati region, Dr. Brenner is a step above when it comes to cosmetic gynecological care. 

Our experienced team will guide you through the process and ensure we meet and exceed your needs for transformative results. We offer our clients a warm, friendly environment in the Cincinnati metropolitan area where they can receive the highest quality surgical procedures, aesthetic treatments, wellness services, and more. No matter what, we will stick with you throughout your entire journey because your goals are our goals. 

Try out an instant virtual consultation or book your in-person consultation today!


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