Kybella Side Effects: What to Expect After a Double Chin Reduction Treatment

Many people seeking to reduce chin (or submental) fat without surgery often turn to Kybella for natural, contoured results. However, it may be scary to think about the recovery process and Kybella side effects that could arise after the procedure.

Read our in-depth guide on Kybella and how it works. →

At Amy Brenner, MD & Associates, we’ve performed countless successful Kybella treatments for both men and women. We believe when provided by a medical professional, Kybella side effects are mild, temporary, and normal.
Read on to learn more about what to expect after receiving Kybella injections in Cincinnati. 

What are the Kybella side effects?

Before we go further, let’s talk about the difference between complications and side effects. Side effects are expected responses that occur after any kind of procedure, so they’re definitely not something you should worry about! On the other hand, complications are unexpected outcomes which negatively affect someone’s health and results. 
Whenever you come to our office for your series of Kybella injections, we will outline the side effects that could come after your treatment. These side effects include:

  • Swelling
  • Mild pain at the injection sites
  • Bruising
  • And redness

Each of these side effects are usually temporary, and you can limit their severity by going to an experienced provider such as Amy Brenner, MD & Associates. 

How long will it take to see results after Kybella injections

Since you won’t typically see results until after two treatments, we only offer Kybella in a two-treatment package. You will want to schedule your second session a month after the first. Depending on your needs, we may recommend you come in for a third or even fourth treatment so you receive the best results possible. 
Deoxycholic acid takes time to work, so unlike other injectable procedures (such as Botox or dermal fillers), you won’t walk out of the office seeing results. Full results typically appear after 90 days.

Learn more about Kybella side effects with Amy Brenner, MD & Associates.

Let our aesthetic experts help create a customized routine and give you the look you’ve always wanted. We will work with you to understand your unique conditions and concerns to get you one step closer to reaching your goals. As a medspa and medical practice, we are uniquely equipped with the ability to not only treat your skin and face, but also help you maintain your overall health. 

We’re here to offer a warm, friendly environment while providing the highest quality treatments and procedures to help you look great and feel great. 
Get started today by using our virtual consultation tool or scheduling an appointment. 

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