The Key to Double Chin Reduction (For Both Men & Women)

double chin reduction

Excess chin fat, also known as submental fat, can arise from many factors: age, genetics, diet, and more. However, if you have a “double chin” you don’t have to live with it forever. 

At Amy Brenner, MD & Associates, our fat-reduction treatments target unwanted fat cells to eliminate them once and for all. No matter who you are, new technology and advancements make double chin reduction achievable. 

Up Next: How to Reduce Belly Fat Without Surgery →

Treatment Option #1: CoolSculpting®

Did you know CoolSculpting not only slims and trims  your body; it can treat submental fat too! A smaller applicator works perfectly for the chin, and as it chills the treatment area(s), fat cells freeze and die. Once the body eliminates the cellular waste, you won’t ever see those cells return. That means you gain permanent results without extended downtime or painful recovery periods. 

Treatment Option #2: Kybella®

We can’t talk about getting rid of excess chin fat without bringing up Kybella. This injectable uses deoxycholic acid, a natural substance that breaks down fat. During the procedure, your provider will carefully map out your injection points, focusing on your areas of concern. While you may feel a slight pinch, the process doesn’t cause significant pain. Throughout the following weeks, the Kybella solution will continue destroying fat cells to define your jawline. 

Need help with a fat loss plateau? Read more here. →

Schedule your double chin reduction treatment with Amy Brenner, MD & Associates

Let our health experts help your double chin disappear. As a medspa and medical practice, we have the unique ability to not only boost your overall health, but also help you enhance your outer beauty with aesthetic treatments.  

We’re here to offer a warm, friendly environment while providing the highest quality aesthetic treatments and wellness plans to help you look great and feel great. No matter what, we will stick with you throughout your entire journey, because your goals are our goals. 

Get started today by using our virtual consultation tool or scheduling an appointment. 

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