Kick Viruses to the Curb
Grey skies, colder temperatures, and windows closed to fresh air means more opportunity to be exposed to all of those viral bugs. Yuck! This year, there are heightened concerns about combating viral infections. Your best defense actually starts with a healthy offense – prime your immune system to fight off those viral offenders.
Here are our Top Tips for building your immune system and increasing your resistance to viruses of any kind:
- Get plenty of sleep
- Eat healthy
- Reduce stress
- Be strategic with supplements
Continue reading for how to implement these suggestions…
Get Plenty of Sleep
This cannot be overstated! You absolutely need 7-8 hours of restorative sleep each night to sufficiently repair at the cellular level and keep your immune system strong. Restless nights not only make you feel lousy in the short-term, but lack of sleep literally creates a cascade of stress in the body, which weakens your overall immune system. Try to stay on a regular schedule and go to bed by 10 pm. Each hour of sleep prior to midnight counts as two hours after midnight.
Need some occasional help getting to (or staying) asleep? Our most popular choices are UltraDream and UltraCell (both are also available in-office, and the UltraCell is discounted over 15% when purchased in-office). We also offer a variety of natural sleep supplements in our *online supplement store (look under Sleep Support) and in our office.
Eat Healthy
Cut back on sugar…waaaaay back. Sugar is inflammatory, and while fighting, recovering from or trying to prevent illness, you want to REDUCE inflammation, not promote it. Did you know that eating sugar also curbs immune system cells that attack the bad bacteria? When we say “sugar” we are primarily referring to “added sugar,” but this also includes refined carbohydrates and alcohol. Don’t worry about the naturally occurring sugar in whole fruit, but it would be best to avoid fruit juice (it’s a sugar bomb).
Do you need a plan for helping to tame the sugar dragon? We offer a 7 day and 14 day metabolic detox kit that includes supplements to support detoxification, meal plans, recipes and shopping guides. Both kits are available in our *online supplement store (look under Detoxification) and the 7 day kits are available in our office.
Reduce Stress
We get it. You cannot control every circumstance in your life, however, you can control how you respond. It is estimated that 70-80% of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Chronic stress (whether emotional / perceived or physical / injury) takes a toll on your health, including suppressing your immune system. So what can you do? BREATHE, (read about the 4-7-8 method); try diffusing essential oils that promote relaxation (we offer a few custom blends, as well as the popular French Lavender – available in-office only), meditate, try yoga or listen to soft music.
Strategic Supplements
Here are the top supplements you should consider taking to make sure your immune system can better fight viral invaders:
* Zinc – stimulates particular immune cells and reduces oxidative stress. Product recommendation: Reacted Zinc
* Garlic – contains compounds that help the immune system fight germs. Product recommendation: Super Garlic 6000
* Viracid – a blend that may be used during an active viral infection to allow for quicker recovery and less severe symptoms
* Vitamin D3 – Research has proven that a deficiency in D3 is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection. Product Recommendations: Vit D3 5,000 IU, K-Force or Liquid Vit D3 + K2
* Essential Oils – the AB Be Well essential oil blend contains Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lemon and Rosemary to provide defense for infections and support the immune system. Popular methods of using this blend include: diffusing, inhalation, topical application and room mist. Read more about our private label essential oils and the best methods for use.
When purchasing supplements in our office, we offer a 15% discount when you purchase three or more! This discount is not available when purchasing supplements from our online store, but those may be shipped directly to your home from the manufacturer and orders over $50 qualify for free shipping.
Just call our office at 513.770.0787 if you have any additional questions.
Please Note: the links to the supplements mentioned above are available in our online supplement store. If you are a registered user, just sign in to see the supplement recommended. If you have not yet registered, simply register using your email address and assign a password.
The statements made regarding these products/treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products/treatments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The Federal Food, Drugs and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.